Page 228 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 228


                     A man who lacks judg ment de rides his neigh bor, but a man
                     of un der stand ing holds his tongue. (Proverbs, 11:12)

                     A man of knowl edge us es words with re straint, and a man
                     of un der stand ing is even-tem pered. Even a fool is thought
                     wise if he keeps si lent, and dis cern ing if he holds his tongue.
                     (Proverbs, 17:27-28)

                     An un friend ly man pur sues self ish ends; he de fies all sound
                     judg ment. A fool finds no pleas ure in un der stand ing but de -
                     lights in air ing his own opin ions. (Proverbs, 18:1-2)

                     Gold there is, and ru bies in abun dance, but lips that speak
                     knowl edge are a rare jew el. (Proverbs, 20:15)

                     He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks
                     rash ly will come to ru in. (Proverbs, 13:3)

                     God gave Solomon wis dom and very great in sight, and a
                     breadth of un der stand ing as meas ure less as the sand on the
                     sea shore. Solomon's wis dom was great er than the wis dom of
                     all the men of the East, and great er than all the wis dom of
                     Egypt. He was wis er than any oth er man... Men of all na tions
                     came to lis ten to Solomon's wis dom, sent by all the kings of
                     the world, who had heard of his wis dom. (1 Kings, 4:29-34)

                    Avoiding Evil Words and Speaking Truthfully

                     The tongue that brings heal ing is a tree of life, but a de ceit -
                     ful tongue crush es the spir it. (Proverbs, 15:4)

                     Pleasant words are a hon ey comb, sweet to the soul and heal -
                     ing to the bones. (Proverbs, 16:24)

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