Page 232 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 232
So how can you con sole me with your non sense? Nothing is
left of your an swers but false hood! (Job, 21:34)
Avoiding Gossip
A per verse man stirs up dis sen sion, and a gos sip sep a rates
close friends. (Proverbs, 16:28)
Without wood a fire goes out; with out gos sip a quar rel dies
down. As char coal to em bers and as wood to fire, so is a quar -
rel some man for kin dling strife. (Proverbs, 26:20-22)
A gos sip be trays a con fi dence; so avoid a man who talks too
much. (Proverbs, 20:19)
A gos sip be trays a con fi dence, but a trust wor thy man keeps
a se cret. (Proverbs, 11:13)
Do not go about spread ing slan der among your peo ple. Do
not do any thing that en dan gers your neigh bor's life. I am the
Lord. (Leviticus, 19:16)
They are all hard ened rebels, go ing about with slan ders. They
are bronze and iron; they all act cor rupt ly... the Lord has re -
ject ed them. (Jeremiah, 6:28, 30)
Other Forms of Speech Recommended
Do not boast about to mor row, for you do not know what a
day may bring forth. Let an oth er praise you, and not your
own mouth; some one else, and not your own lips. (Proverbs,