Page 237 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 237

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                mon ey and grain. But let the ex act ing of usu ry stop! (Ne-
                hemiah, 5:10)

                Suppose there is a right eous man who does what is just and
                right... He does not lend at usu ry. (Ezekiel, 18:5, 8)

                     Distractions Such as Astrology and
                        Fortune-Telling Are Prohibited

                ... Do not prac tice div i na tion or sor cery. (Leviticus, 19:26)

                Isn't this the cup... us es for div i na tion? This is a wick ed
                thing you have done. (Genesis, 44:5)

                Let no one be found among you who... prac ti ces div i na tion or
                sor cery, in ter prets omens, en ga ges in witch craft, or casts

                spells, or who is a me di um or spir it ist or who con sults the
                dead. Anyone who does these things is de test a ble to the
                Lord, and be cause of these de test a ble prac ti ces the Lord your
                God will drive out those na tions be fore you. (Deuteronomy,

                The na tions you will dis pos sess lis ten to those who prac tice

                sor cery or div i na tion. But as for you, the Lord your God has
                not per mit ted you to do so. (Deuteronomy, 18:14)

                ... They prac ticed div i na tion and sor cery... do evil in the
                eyes of the Lord. (2 Kings, 17:17)

                Have you not seen false vi sions and ut tered ly ing div i na -
                tions when you say, "The Lord de clares," though I have not
                spo ken? There fore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "Be-

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