Page 236 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 236
Eating Pork Is Prohibited
And the pig, though it has a split hoof com plete ly di vid ed,
does not chew the cud; it is un clean for you. You must not eat
their meat or touch their car cass es; they are un clean for you.
(Leviticus, 11:7-8)
... [The people] who eat the flesh of pigs, and whose pots
hold broth of un clean meat. (Isaiah, 65:4)
"... Those who eat the flesh of pigs and rats and oth er abom -
i na ble things—they will meet their end to geth er," de clares
the Lord. (Isaiah, 66:17)
Earning Interest Is Prohibited
Do not charge your broth er in ter est, wheth er on mon ey or
food or any thing else that may earn in ter est. (Deuteronomy,
... If you lend mon ey to one of My peo ple among you who is
needy, do not be like a mon ey lend er; charge him no in ter -
est. (Exodus, 22:25)
Do not take in ter est of any kind from him, but fear your
God, so that your coun try man may con tin ue to live among
you. You must not lend him mon ey at in ter est or sell him
food at a prof it. (Leviticus, 25:36-37)
... who lends his mon ey with out usu ry... He who does these
things will nev er be shak en. (Psalms, 15:5)
I and my broth ers and my men are al so lend ing the peo ple