Page 340 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 340


                 Blessed is the man who does not go in the com pa ny of the wick -
                 ed, or take his place in the way of sin ners, or sit in the seat of
                 mock ers. But whose de light is in the law of the Lord, and whose
                 mind is on His law day and night. He shall be like a tree plant -
                 ed by the streams of wa ter that brings forth its fruit in its sea son,
                 whose leaf al so does not with er. Whatever he does shall pros per.
                 The wick ed are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind dri-
                 ves away. Therefore the wick ed shall not stand in the judg ment,
                    nor sin ners in the con gre ga tion of the right eous. For the Lord
                      watch es over the way of the right eous, but the way of the
                                       wick ed will per ish. (Psalms, 1:1-6)

                                           Why do the na tions rage, and the peo -
                                           ples plot a vain thing? The kings of the
                                         earth set them selves, and the rul ers take
                                           coun sel to geth er, against the Lord...
                                            Now there fore be wise, you kings. Be
                                            in struct ed, you judg es of the earth.
                                            Give wor ship to the Lord with fear,
                                            and re joice with trem bling. (Psalms,

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