Page 344 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 344
their foot tak en. The Lord is known by His jus tice; the wick ed are
en snared by the work of their hands. The wick ed shall be turned
in to the underworld [sheol, hell], and all the na tions that for get
God. For the poor will not be for got ten to the end; the hopes of
those in need will not be crushed for ev er. (Psalms, 9:1-18)
O Lord!... The wick ed man... boasts of the crav ings of his heart...
In his pride the wick ed does not seek Him [God]. His ways are
firm at all times; Your judg ments are far above out of his sight...
He says to him self, "Nothing will shake me; I will... nev er have
troub le." His mouth is full of curs es and lies and threats; troub le
and evil are un der his tongue. He lies in wait near the vil la ges.
From am bush es, he mur ders the in no cent. His eyes are se cret ly
set against the help less. He keeps him self in a se cret place like a
li on in his hole, wait ing to put his hands on the poor man, and
pull ing him in to his net... But You, O God, do see troub le and
grief; You con sid er it to take it in hand. The poor com mits him -
self to You; You are the help er of the child who has no fa ther...
You hear, O Lord, the de sire of the af flict ed: You en cour age
them, and You lis ten to their cry, de fend ing the fa ther less and
the op pressed, in or der that man, who is of the earth, may ter ri -
fy no more. (Psalms, 10:1-18)
In the Lord I take ref uge... His eyes are watch ing and test ing the
chil dren of men. The Lord ex am ines the right eous, but the wick ed
and him who loves vi o lence He dislikes and is not pleased. On the
evil-do er He will send down fire and flames, and a burn ing wind;
with these will their cup be full. For the Lord is up right; He is a lov -
er of right eous ness: the up right will see His face. (Psalms, 11:1-7)
6. A reference to devout believers' seeing Allah’s beauty as a blessing of paradise.