Page 346 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 346
Look on me... O Lord... I trust in Your lov ing-kind ness; my heart
will be glad in Your sal va tion... I will sing to the Lord, be cause
He has been good to me. (Psalms, 13:3-6)
... He who goes on his way up right ly, do ing right eous ness, and
say ing what is true in his heart; whose tongue is not false, who
does no evil to his friend, and does not take away the good name
of his neigh bor. Who gives hon or to those who have the fear of
the Lord, turn ing away from Him who has not the Lord's ap prov -
al. He who takes an oath against him self, and makes no change.
He who does not put out his mon ey at in ter est, or for pay ment
give false de ci sions against men who have done no wrong. He
who does these things will nev er be shak en. (Psalms, 15:1-5)
Keep me safe, O God: for you I take ref uge. I said to the Lord,
You are my Lord: I have no good but You. Their sor rows will be
in creased who go aft er oth er gods: I will not... take their names on
my lips. Lord, You have as signed my por tion and my cup; You are
the sup port er of my right. Fair are the pla ces marked out for me; I
have a no ble her it age. I will give praise to the Lord Who has been
my guide; even at night my heart in structs me. I have set the Lord
al ways be fore me. Because He is at my right , I will not be shak -
en. Because of this my heart is glad, and my glo ry is full of joy;
my body al so will rest se cure, be cause You will not aban don my
soul in the underworld [sheol, hell] nor will you let your faith ful
one see de cay... You have made known to me the path of life [par-
adise]; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal
pleasures at your right hand. (Psalms, 16:1-11)
7. A description of Allah being the Protector by way of simile.
8. Allah's blessings, His bestowal of joy, peace and security on believers, are described by
way of simile.