Page 345 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 345

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             Help, Lord, for there is no saint; there is no more faith

             among the chil dren of men. Everyone lies to his neigh bor:
             their flat ter ing lips speak with de cep tion. May the Lord
             si lence all flat ter ing lips and ev ery
             boast ful tongue. They have said, with
             our tongues will we over come; our
             lips are ours: Who is mas ter over us?...
             The words of the Lord are true words:
             like sil ver test ed by fire and burned clean
             sev en  times.  You will keep them, O

             Lord, You will keep them safe from this
             gen er a tion for ev er. The wick ed free ly
             strut bout when what is vile is hon ored
             among men. (Psalms, 12:1-8)

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