Page 343 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 343

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            the work of Your fin gers , the Moon and the stars, which You
            have or dained. What is man, that you keep him in mind? The son
            of man that you take in to ac count?... crowned him with glo ry and
            hon or. You have made him rul er over the works of Your hands
            [Your Creations]; You have put all things un der his feet; all sheep
            and ox en, and all the beasts of the field; the birds of the air and
            the fish of the sea, and what ev er goes through the deep wa ters of
            the seas. O Lord our Lord, how ex cel lent is Your name in all the
            earth! (Psalms, 8:1-9)

            I will give You praise, O Lord, with all my heart; I will make
            clear all the won der of Your works. I will be glad and have de -
            light in You: I will make a song of praise to Your name, O Most
            High... You gave ap prov al to my right and my cause... judg ing in
            right eous ness... Their cit ies You have de stroyed. You have put

            an end to their name for ev er and ev er. But the Lord shall en dure
            for ev er: He has pre pared his throne for judg ment. And He will
            be the judge of the world in right eous ness, giv ing true de ci sions
            for the peo ples. The Lord will be a high tow er for those who are
            crushed down, a high tow er in times of troub le; and those who
            have knowl edge of Your name will put their faith in You; be -
            cause You, Lord, have ev er giv en Your help to those who were
            wait ing for You. Make songs of praise to the Lord: make His do -
            ings clear to the peo ple... He doesn't for get the cry of the af flict -

            ed. Have mer cy on me, O Lord... So that I may make clear all Your
            praise... I will be glad be cause of Your sal va tion. The na tions
            have gone down in to the pit they have dug; in their se cret net is

            4. Allah's title of Sani (The Artist, He Who creates infinite beauties in His artistry) is
            described by use of simile.
            5. One of the glorious names of Allah is Malja (He in Whom refuge is sought). A
            reference to the manifestation of Allah's title of Malja.

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