Page 350 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 350
and were not put to
shame... But it was You Who
took care of me from the day
of my birth: You gave
me faith even in my
moth er's arms. From
birth I was cast up on
You; from my moth er's
womb You have been my God... O Lord: O
my strength... Be my sav iour from the li on's
mouth; let me go free from the horns of the wild
ox en. (Psalms, 22:4-21)
I will give the knowl edge of Your name to my
broth ers: I will give You praise among the peo -
ple. You who have fear of the Lord, give Him
praise... Praise Him!... Revere Him... My praise will
be of You in the great meet ing: be fore those who fear You
will I ful fill my vows. The poor will have a feast of good things:
those who make search for the Lord will give Him praise... All
the ends of the earth will keep it in mind and be turned to the
Lord: all the fam i lies of the na tions will give Him wor ship. For
the king dom is the Lord's; He is the rul er among the na tions.
All the rich of the earth will feast and wor ship; all who go down
to the dust will kneel be fore Him—those who can not keep them -
selves alive. A seed will be His ser vant; the do ings of the Lord
will be made clear to the gen er a tion which comes aft er. They will
come and make His right eous ness clear to a peo ple of the fu ture
be cause He has done this. (Psalms, 22:22-31)