Page 352 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 352
them his way. All the ways of the Lord are mer cy and good faith
for those who keep His agree ment and His wit ness. Because of
Your name, O Lord, let me have for give ness for my sin... If a man
has the fear of the Lord, He shall in struct him in the way that
He shall choose. His soul will be full of good things... The se -
cret of the Lord is with those in whose hearts is the fear of Him;
He will make His agree ment clear to them. My eyes are turned to
the Lord at all times; for He will take my feet out of the net. Be
turned to me, and have mer cy on me; for I am troub led and have
no help er... O take me out of my sor rows... and take away all my
sins. O keep my soul, and take me out of dan ger... for I have put
my faith in You. For my clean and up right ways keep me safe,
be cause my hope is in You. (Psalms, 25:1-21)
O Lord, be my judge, for my be hav iour has been up right: I have
trust ed in the Lord with out wa ver ing. Put me in the scales, O
Lord, so that I may be test ed; try my heart and my mind. For
Your mer cy is be fore my eyes; and I have gone in the way of
Your good faith. I do not sit with de ceit ful men, nor do I con sort
with hyp o crites. I ab hor the as sem bly of evil do ers and refuse to
sit with the wick ed... O Lord; That I may give out the voice of
praise, and make pub lic all the wond ers which You have done.
Lord... the rest ing place of Your glo ry has been dear to me. Do
not take away my soul along with sin ners, my life with blood -
thirsty men, in whose hands are wick ed schemes, whose right
hands are full of bribes. But as for me, I will go on in my up right
ways: be my sav iour, and have mer cy on me. I have a safe rest -
ing-place for my feet; in the great as sem bly I will praise the Lord.
(Psalms, 26:1-12)