Page 356 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 356


                 mit my spir it; re deem me, O Lord, God of truth. I dis like those
                 who cling to worth less idols; I trust in the Lord. I will be glad
                 and re joice in Your love, for You saw my af flic tion and knew the
                 an guish of my soul. You have not hand ed me over to the en e my
                 but have set my feet in a spa cious place... But I trust in You, O
                 Lord; I say, "You are my God." My times are in Your hands [in
                 Your approval, Your might]; de liv er me from my en e mies and
                 from those who pur sue me. Let Your face [Your light] shine on

                 Your ser vant; save me in your un fail ing love. Let me not be put
                 to shame, O Lord, for I have cried out to you; Let the wick ed be
                 ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave [sheol, hell]. Let their
                 ly ing lips be si lenced, for with pride and con tempt they speak ar -
                 ro gant ly against the right eous. How great is Your good ness,
                 which You have for those who fear You, which You be stow in the
                 sight of men on those who take ref uge in You. In the shel ter of

                 Your pres ence You hide them from the in trigues of men; in Your
                 dwell ing You keep them safe from ac cus ing tongues. Praise be to
                 the Lord, for He showed His won der ful love to me when I was
                 in a be sieged city... Love the Lord, all His saints! The Lord pres -
                 erves the faith ful, but the proud He pays back in full. Be strong
                 and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. (Psalms, 31:1-24)

                 Blessed is he whose trans gres sions are for giv en, whose sins are
                 cov ered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count
                 against him and in whose spir it is no de ceit... You are my hid ing
                 place; You will pro tect me from troub le and sur round me with
                 songs of de liv er ance... Many are the woes of the wick ed, but the
                 Lord's un fail ing love sur rounds the man who trusts in Him. Re-
                 joice in the Lord and be glad, you right eous; sing, all you who
                 are up right in heart! (Psalms, 32:1-11)

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