Page 358 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 358


                 Lord heard him; He saved him out of all his troub les. The an gel
                 of the Lord en camps around those who fear Him, and He de liv -
                 ers them... the Lord is good; bless ed is the man who takes ref uge
                 in Him. Fear the Lord... for those who fear Him lack noth ing.
                 The li ons may grow weak and hun gry, but those who seek the
                 Lord lack no good thing. Come, my chil dren, lis ten to me; I will
                 teach you the fear of the Lord. Whoever of you loves life and de -
                 sires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and
                 your lips from speak ing lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek
                 peace and pur sue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the right eous and
                 His ears lis ten to their cry. Lord is against those who do evil, to
                 cut off the mem o ry of them from the earth. The right eous cry out,
                 and the Lord hears them; He de liv ers them from all their troub -
                 les... Evil will slay the wick ed; the foes of the right eous will be
                 con demned. The Lord re deems His ser vants; no one will be con -
                 demned who takes ref uge in Him. (Psalms, 34:1-22)

                 My soul will re joice in the Lord and de light in his sal va tion. My
                 whole be ing will ex claim, "Who is like You, O Lord? You res cue
                 the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from
                 those who rob them."... I will give You thanks in the great as -
                 sem bly; among throngs of peo ple I will praise You... They do
                 not speak peace a bly, but de vise false ac cu sa tions against those
                 who live qui et ly in the land. (Psalms, 35:9-20)

                 The sin of the evil-do er says in his heart, there is no fear of God
                 be fore his eyes. For in his own eyes he flat ters him self too much
                 to de tect or hate his sin. The words of his mouth are wick ed and
                 de ceit ful; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. Even on his
                 bed he plots evil; he com mits him self to a sin ful course and does
                 not re ject what is wrong. Your love, O Lord, reach es to the heav -

                 16. A description by way of simile of the grace of Allah, His protection of believers.

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