Page 359 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 359

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            ens, Your faith ful ness to
            the skies. Your right -
            eous ness is like the
            mighty moun tains,
            Your jus tice like the
            great deep.  O Lord,
            You pre serve both
            man and an i mal. How
            price less is Your un -
            fail ing love! Both high
            and low among men
            find ref uge in the shad ow
            of Your wings. 17  They feast
            on the abun dance of Your
            house; You give them drink from
            Your riv er of de lights. For with you
            is the foun tain of life; in Your light we
            see light. Continue Your love to those who know You, Your
            right eous ness to the up right in heart. May the foot of the proud
            not come against me, nor the hand of the wick ed drive me away.
            (Psalms, 36:1-11)

            Do not fret be cause of evil men or be en vi ous of those who do
            wrong; for like the grass they will soon with er, like green plants
            they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in
            the land and en joy safe pas ture. Delight your self in the Lord and
            He will give you the de sires of your heart. Commit your way to

            the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your
            right eous ness shine like the dawn, the jus tice of your cause
            like the noon day sun. Be still be fore the Lord and wait pa tient ly

            17. A description by way of simile of the grace of Allah, His protection of believers.

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