Page 362 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 362
even Your won der ful works, and Your thoughts to ward us; there
is none to be com pared un to You! If I would de clare and speak
of them, they are more than can be told... Then said I: '... I de light
to do Your will, O my God; tru ly, Your law is in my in most
parts.' I have preached right eous ness in the great con gre ga tion, I
did not re frain my lips; O Lord, You have knowl edge. I have not
hid den Your right eous ness with in my heart; I have de clared Your
faith ful ness and Your sal va tion; I have not con cealed Your mer cy
and Your truth from the great con gre ga tion. O Lord, don't with -
hold Your com pas sions from me; let Your mer cy and Your truth
con tin u al ly pre serve me. For in nu mer a ble evils have com passed
me about... Be pleased, O Lord, to de liv er me; O Lord,... help me...
Let all those who seek You re joice and be glad in You; let such as
love Your sal va tion say con tin u al ly: 'The Lord be mag ni fied.'...
You are my help and my de liv er er; O my God... (Psalms, 40:1-17)
Blessed is he that con sid ers the poor: the Lord will de liv er him in
time of troub le. The Lord will pre serve him, and keep him alive;
and he shall be bless ed up on the earth: and You will not de liv er him
un to the will of his en e mies. The Lord will sus tain him on his sick -
bed, and re store him from his bed of ill ness. I said, "Lord, be mer -
ci ful un to me: heal my soul"... You up hold me in my in teg ri ty, and
set me in Your pres ence for ev er. Blessed be the Lord... from ev er -
last ing, and to ev er last ing. Amen, and Amen. (Psalms, 41:1-13)
As the deer pants for the wa ter brooks, so pants my soul aft er
You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the liv ing God: 'When
shall I come and ap pear be fore God?' ... Hope in God; for I shall
yet praise Him for the sal va tion of His coun te nance... By day
18. A description by way of simile of earning Allah's approval, mercy and paradise.