Page 366 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 366


                 snow... Create me a clean heart, O God; and re new a stead fast
                 spir it with in me. Cast me not away from Your pres ence; and
                 take not Your ho ly spir it from me. Restore un to me the joy of
                 Your sal va tion; and let a will ing spir it up hold me. Then will I
                 teach trans gress ors Your ways; and sin ners shall re turn un to

                 You. Deliver me from blood guilt i ness, O God, You God of my
                 sal va tion; so shall my tongue sing aloud of Your right eous ness. O
                 Lord, open my lips; and my mouth shall de clare Your praise...

                 The sac ri fi ces of God are a bro ken spir it; a bro ken and a con trite
                 heart, O God, You will not de spise. (Psalms, 51:1-17)

                 Why do you boast of evil, mighty man? The mer cy of God en -

                 dures con tin u al ly. Your tongue plots de struc tion; like a sharp ra -
                 zor, you who prac tice de ceit. You love evil more than good; false -
                 hood rath er than speak ing right eous ness. You love all de vour ing
                 words, the de ceit ful tongue... The right eous al so shall see, and

                 fear, and shall... say: "Here now is the man—who did not make
                 God his strong hold—but trust ed in his great wealth and grew
                 strong by de stroy ing oth ers!" But as for me... I trust in the mer cy
                 of God for ev er and ev er. I will give You thanks for ev er, be -

                 cause You have done it; and I will wait for Your name, for it is
                 good, in the pres ence of Your saints. (Psalms, 52:1-9)

                 The fool has said in his heart: 'There is no God'; they have dealt

                 cor rupt ly, and have done abom i na ble in iq ui ty; there is none
                 who does good... Everyone has turned away, they have to geth er
                 be come cor rupt; there is none who does good, no, not one... They
                 don't call on God. There are they in great fear, where there was

                 no fear... You have put them to shame... (Psalms, 53:1-5)

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