Page 370 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 370
no wa ter is... Your lov ing-kind ness is bet ter than life; my lips
shall praise You. So will I bless You as long as I live; in Your
name will I lift up my hands. My soul is sat is fied as with mar -
row and fat ness; and my mouth prais es You with joy ful lips;
When I re mem ber You up on my couch, and med i tate on You in
the night-watch es. For You have been my help, and in the shad -
ow of Your wings do I re joice. My soul cleaves un to You; Your
right hand holds me fast... The king shall re joice in God; ev ery
one that swears by Him shall glo ry; for the mouth of them that
speak lies shall be stopped. (Psalms, 63:1-11)
Hide me from the coun cil of evil-do ers; from the tu mult of the
work ers of in iq ui ty; they sharp en their tongues like swords and
aim their words like dead ly ar rows; they shoot from am bush at
the in no cent man; they shoot at him sud den ly, with out fear. They
en cour age each oth er in evil plans, they talk about hid ing their
snares; they say, "Who will see them?" They plot in jus tice and
say, "We have de vised a per fect plan!"... So they make their own
tongue a stum bling un to them selves... The right eous shall be
glad in the Lord, and shall take ref uge in Him; and all the up -
right in heart shall glo ry. (Psalms, 64:2-10)
... O God... O You Who hear prayer, un to You will all flesh come.
When we were over whelmed by sins, You for gave our trans gres -
sions. Blessed are those You choose and bring near to live in
Your courts! We are filled with the good things of Your house...
You an swer us in right eous ness, O God of our sal va tion; You the
con fi dence of all the ends of the earth, and of the far dis tant
seas; Who by Your strength set fast the moun tains, Who is gird -
23. A description of Allah being the Protector by way of simile.