Page 372 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 372


                 was ex tolled with my tongue. If I had re gard ed in iq ui ty in my
                 heart, the Lord would not hear; But ver i ly God has heard; He has
                 at tend ed to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who has not
                 turned away my prayer, nor His mer cy from me. (Psalms, 66:1-
                 10, 16-20)

                 God be gra cious un to us, and bless us; may He cause His face to
                 shine 25  to ward us; That Your way may be known up on earth,
                 Your sal va tion among all na tions. Let the peo ples give thanks
                 un to You, O God; let the peo ples give thanks un to You, all of
                 them. O let the na tions be glad and sing for joy; for You will
                 judge the peo ples with eq ui ty, and lead the na tions up on earth.
                 Let the peo ples give thanks un to You, O God; let the peo ples give
                 thanks un to You, all of them. The earth has yield ed her in crease;

                 may God, our own God, bless us. May God bless us; and let all
                 the ends of the earth fear Him. (Psalms, 67:1-7)

                 But let the right eous be glad, let them ex ult be fore God; yes, let
                 them re joice with glad ness. Sing un to God, sing prais es to His
                 name...God makes the sol i tary to dwell in a house; He brings

                 out the pris on ers in to pros per i ty; the re bel lious dwell but in a
                 parched land... Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, Who dai -
                 ly bears our bur dens. Our God is a God Who saves; from the
                 Sovereign Lord comes es cape from death [hell]... Praise God in
                 the great con gre ga tion; praise the Lord in the as sem bly... O God...
                 Scatter the peo ples that de light in war!... Sing un to God, you
                 king doms of the earth; O sing prais es un to the Lord... Proclaim

                 the pow er of God... You are awe some, O God... He gives strength
                 and pow er un to the peo ple; bless ed be God. (Psalms, 68:3-35)

                 25. A reference to Allah's title of "Noor" (Light).

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