Page 377 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 377

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            said: 'Can God pre pare a ta ble in the wil der ness? Behold, He

            smote the rock, that wa ters gush ed out, and streams over flowed;
            can He give bread al so? Or will He pro vide flesh for His peo ple?'
            When the Lord heard them, He was very angry ... Because they
            be lieved not in God, and trust ed not in His sal va tion. Yet He
            com mand ed the clouds from above, and opened the doors of
            heav en... He sent them all the food they could eat... He sent He
            caused the east wind to set forth in heav en; and by His pow er He
            brought on the south wind... He gave them their own de sire... For
            all this they sinned still, and be lieved not in His won drous works.

            Therefore He end ed their days as a breath, and their years in ter -
            ror. When He killed them, then they would in quire aft er Him,
            and turn back and seek God ear nest ly. And they re mem bered
            that God was their help er, and the Most High God their re -
            deem er. But they act ed ig no bly to wards Him with their mouth,
            and lied to Him with their tongue. For their heart was not stead -
            fast with Him, nei ther were they faith ful in His cov e nant. But He,

            be ing full of com pas sion, for gave in iq ui ty, and did not de stroy
            them... How of ten did they rebel against Him in the desert... They
            re mem bered not His hand   29
            nor the day when He re -
            deemed them from the ad -
            ver sa ry. How He set His
            signs in Egypt and His

            28. Allah is the One Who is exalted far
            above rage. What is meant here is the
            manifestation of Allah's attribute of al-
            Muntaqim (the Avenger).
            29. A description of Allah being the Pro-
            tector by way of simile.

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