Page 378 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 378
wond ers... And turned their riv ers in to blood, so that they could
not drink their streams. He sent among them swarms of flies,
which de voured them; and frogs, which de stroyed them. He gave
al so their in crease un to the cat er pil lar, and their la bor un to the lo -
cust. He de stroyed their vines with hail, and their syc a more trees
with frost. He gave over their cat tle al so to the hail, and their flocks
to fiery bolts... He spared not their soul from death, but gave their
life over to the pes ti lence... And He led them safe ly, and they
feared not; but the sea over whelmed their en e mies... Yet they... re -
belled against God, the Most High, and kept not His tes ti mo nies;
but turned back, and dealt treach er ous ly like their fa thers; they
were turned aside like a de ceit ful bow. (Psalms, 78:4-57)
... Let Your ten der come to us quick ly... Help us, O God of our
sal va tion, for the sake of the glo ry of Your name; and de liv er
us, and for give our sins, for Your name's sake... We will give
You glo ry for ev er: we will go on prais ing You through all gen er -
a tions. (Psalms, 79:8-13)
O God, re store us; and let us see the shin ing of Your face, and
we shall be saved! O Lord God of hosts... let us see the shin ing of
Your face [Your Light], and we shall be saved!... We will not turn
away from you. Revive us, and we will call on Your name! O
God, re store us; and let us see the shin ing of Your face, and we
shall be saved! (Psalms, 80:3-19)
Sing aloud to God our strength: make a joy ful noise... Take up the
mel o dy, and strike the tam bou rine, the sweet harp and lyre. Blow
the horn at the new moon, at the full moon for our feast-day...
"You are not to give wor ship to any oth er god! I am your Lord,
Who brought you up out of the land of Egypt! (Psalms, 81:1-11)