Page 379 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 379

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            'How long will you judge un just ly, and re spect the per sons of the

            wick ed? Judge the poor and fa ther less: Do jus tice to the af flict -
            ed and des ti tute. Rescue the poor and needy; de liv er them out
            of the hand of the wick ed. They know not, nei ther do they un -
            der stand; they go about in dark ness... (Psalms, 82:2-5)

            Fill their fa ces with shame; that they may seek Your name, O

            Lord... That they may know that You alone, Whose name is
            Lord, are the Most High over all the earth. (Psalms, 83:16-18)

            O Lord Almighty!... Happy is the man whose strength is in
            You!... For a day in Your courts [in holy places where God's name

            is uttered] is bet ter than a thou sand else where; I had rath er stand
            at the thresh old of the house of my Lord [holy place where God's
            name is uttered], than to dwell in the tents of wick ed ness. For the
            Lord is a Sun , and a shield . The Lord will give grace and glo -
            ry: no good will He with hold from them that walk up right ly!
            (Psalms, 84:1-12)

            Show us Your mer cy, O Lord, and grant us Your sal va tion! I will
            hear what God will speak; for He will speak peace un to His peo -
            ple, and to His saints; but let them not turn back to fol ly. Surely
            His sal va tion is near to them that fear Him; that glo ry may dwell
            in our land. Mercy and truth are met to geth er; right eous ness and
            peace have kissed each oth er. Truth sprang out of the earth; and
            right eous ness had looked down from heav en. Yes, the Lord will
            give that which is good; and our land shall yield her pro duce...

            (Psalms, 85:7-13)

            30. A reference to Allah's title of "Noor" (Light).
            31. A description by way of simile of Allah being all-Compassionate and all-Merciful.

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