Page 374 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 374
You have I stayed my self from birth; You are He Who took me
out of my moth er's womb; my praise is con tin u al ly of You. I am
as a won der un to many; but You are my strong ref uge. My
mouth shall be filled with Your praise, and with Your glo ry all
the day... I will hope con tin u al ly, and will praise You yet more
and more. My mouth shall tell of Your right eous ness, and of Your
sal va tion all the day... I will come and pro claim your mighty acts,
O Sovereign Lord; I will pro claim Your right eous ness, Yours
alone. O God, You have taught me from my youth; and un til
now do I de clare Your won drous works... Your right eous ness al -
so, O God, which reach es un to high heav en; You Who have done
great things... You... will quick en me again, and bring me up
again from the depths of the earth. You will in crease my great -
ness, and turn and com fort me. I al so will give thanks un to You...
even un to Your truth, O my God; I will sing prais es un to You
with the harp... My lips shall great ly re joice when I sing prais es
un to You; and my soul, which You have re deemed. My tongue al -
so shall tell of Your right eous ness all the day... (Psalms, 71:1-24)
Blessed be the Lord God... Who on ly does won drous things; And
bless ed be His glo ri ous name for ev er; and let the whole earth be
filled with His glo ry. Amen, and Amen. (Psalms, 72:18-19)
Surely God is good... to those who are pure in heart... For they
[wicked ones] have no pain; their bod ies are fat and strong. They
are not in troub le as oth er men; nei ther are they plagued like oth -
er men. Therefore pride is as a chain about their neck; vi o lence
cov ered them as a gar ment... They scoff and speak with mal ice. In
ar ro gance, they threat en op pres sion. They have set their mouth
against the heav ens, and their tongue walk through the earth...
And when I tried to un der stand this, it was too pain ful for me;