Page 375 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 375
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
un til I en tered in to the house of God, and con sid ered their end.
Surely You set them in slip pery pla ces. You throw them down to
de struc tion... Nevertheless I am con tin u al ly with You: You have
held me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your coun -
sel, and aft er ward re ceive me to glo ry. Whom have I in heav en
but You? And there is none up on earth that I de sire be sides
You. My flesh and my heart fails, But God is the strength of my
heart and my por tion for ev er... But as for me, it is good for me
to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord, that I may
de clare all your works. (Psalms, 73: 1-28)
You opened up spring and stream. You dried up mighty riv ers.
The day is Yours, the night al so is Yours; You have pre pared the
Moon and the Sun: You have set all the bor ders of the earth;
You have made sum mer and win ter. (Psalms, 74: 15-17)
Unto You we give thanks, O God, we give thanks; and Your name
is near: Your mar vel ous works de clare it. "When the right time
has come, I will be the judge in right eous ness." says the Lord.
When the earth and all the in hab it ants there of are dis solved, I
Myself es tab lish the pil lars of it.' I said un to the ar ro gant, Deal
not ar ro gant ly; and to the wick ed, Lift not up the horn. Lift not
up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck. For nei ther
from the east, nor from the west, nor yet from the south, comes
ex al ta tion. But God is the judge. He puts down one, and lifts
up an oth er... But as for me, I will de clare for ev er... I will sing
prais es to God. All the horns of the wick ed al so will I cut off; but
the horns of the right eous shall be lift ed up. (Psalms: 75:1-10)
26. Allah's help, His salvation is expressed by the way of smile.
27. Allah's attribute of al-Adl (the Utterly Just) is meant here. Allah is the most auspicious of
those who make justice.