Page 371 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 371
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
ed about with might; Who stilled the roar ing of the seas, the
roar ing of their waves, and the tu mult of the peo ples; those liv -
ing far away fear Your wond ers; where morn ing dawns and
even ing fades You call forth songs of joy. You have the earth, and
wa tered her, great ly en rich ing her, with the riv er of God that is
full of wa ter; You pre pare them corn, for so You pre pare her. Wa-
tering her ridges abun dant ly, set tling down the fur rows there of,
You make her soft with show ers; You bless the growth there of.
You crown the year with Your good ness; and Your paths drop
fat ness. The pas tures of the wil der ness do drop; and the hills are
gird ed with joy. The mead ows are clothed with flocks; the val leys
al so are cov ered over with corn; they shout for joy, yes, they sing.
(Psalms, 65:1-13)
Shout with joy to God, all the earth; Sing prais es un to the glo ry of
His name; make His praise glo ri ous. Say un to God: 'How tre men -
dous is Your work! Through the great ness of Your pow er shall
Your en e mies dwin dle away be fore You. All the earth shall
wor ship You, and shall sing prais es un to You; they shall sing
prais es to Your name.' Come, and see the works of God; He is
awe some in His do ing to ward the chil dren of men. He turned the
sea in to dry land; they went through the riv er on foot; there let us
re joice in Him! Who rules by His might for ev er; His eyes keep
watch up on the na tions; let not the re bel lious ex alt them selves.
Bless our God, O peo ples, and make the voice of His praise to be
heard; He has pre served our lives and kept our feet from slip -
ping. For you, O God, test ed us; You re fined us like sil ver...
Come, and hear, all you who fear God, and I will de clare what He
has done for my soul. I cried un to Him with my mouth, and He
24. A description by way of simile of Allah being Omniscient, All-Knowing.