Page 368 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 368


                 word— In God do I trust, I will not be afraid; what can man do
                 un to me?... For You have de liv ered my soul from death; have
                 You not de liv ered my feet from stum bling that I may walk be -
                 fore God in the light of the liv ing? (Psalms, 56:3-13)

                 Be gra cious un to me, O God, be gra cious un to me, for in You has
                 my soul tak en ref uge; yes, in the shad ow of Your wings will I
                 take ref uge, un til ca lam i ties be over past. I will cry un to God
                 Most High; un to God Who ac com plish es it for me... Be You ex -
                 alt ed, O God, above the heav ens; Your glo ry be above all the
                 earth... They have digged a pit be fore me, they are fall en in to the
                 midst there of them selves. My heart is stead fast, O God, my heart
                 is stead fast; I will sing, yes, I will sing prais es... I will give thanks
                 un to You, O Lord, among the peo ples; I will sing prais es un to

                 You among the na tions. For Your mer cy is great un to the heav -
                 ens, and Your truth un to the skies. Be You ex alt ed, O God, above
                 the heav ens; Your glo ry be above all the earth. (Psalms, 57:1-11)

                 Do you in deed speak as a right eous com pa ny? Do you judge with
                 eq ui ty the sons of men? No, in heart you work wick ed ness; you

                 weigh out in the earth the vi o lence of your hands. (Psalms, 58:1-2)

                 Deliver me from my en e mies, O my God; set me on high from
                 them that rise up against me. Deliver me from the work ers of in -
                 iq ui ty, and save me from the men of blood... You there fore, O

                 Lord God of hosts... I will wait for You; for God is my high tow -
                 er [my shelter]. The God of my mer cy will come to meet me... O
                 Lord our shield... I will sing of Your strength; yes, I will sing
                 aloud of Your mer cy in the morn ing; for You have been my high

                 20. A reference by way of simile to Allah's shelter and protection.

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