Page 365 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 365
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
deem my soul from the pow er of the un derworld [sheol, hell]; for
He shall re ceive me. Don't be afraid when one is made rich, when
the wealth of his house is in creased; for when he dies he shall
car ry noth ing away; his wealth shall not de scend aft er him.
Though while he lived he count ed him self bless ed—and men
praise you when you pros per—he will join the gen er a tion of his
fa thers, who will nev er see the light of life . A man who has rich -
es with out un der stand ing is like the beasts that per ish. (Psalms,
The Mighty One, God, the Lord, has spo ken, and called the earth
from the ris ing of the Sun un to the go ing down there of... per fect
of beau ty, God has shined forth... And the heav ens de clare His
right eous ness; for God, He is judge. '... I am God, your God...
Every beast of the for est is Mine, and the cat tle up on a thou -
sand hills. I know all the fowls of the moun tains; and the wild
beasts of the field are Mine... And call up on Me in the day of
troub le; I will de liv er you, and you will ho nour Me.' But un to
the wick ed, God says: '... Seeing you hate in struc tion, and cast My
words be hind you. When you saw a thief, you had com pa ny with
him, and with adul ter ers was your por tion. You use your mouth
for evil, and your tongue to de ceit... I will ac cuse you to your
face... To him that or ders his way aright will I show the sal va -
tion of God.' (Psalms, 50:1-23)
Be gra cious un to me, O God, ac cord ing to Your mer cy; ac cord ing
to the mul ti tude of Your com pas sions blot out my trans gres -
sions. Wash me thor ough ly from my in iq ui ty, and cleanse me
from my sin... You de sire truth in the in ward parts; make me,
there fore, to know wis dom in my in most heart. Purge me [of my
sins]... and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whit er than