Page 360 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 360


                 for Him; do not fret when men suc ceed in their ways, when they
                 car ry out their wick ed schemes. Refrain from an ger and turn
                 from wrath; do not fret—it leads on ly to evil. For evil men will
                 be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will in her it the land. A
                 lit tle while, and the wick ed will be no more; though you look for
                 them, they will not be found. But the meek will in her it the land
                 and en joy great peace. The wick ed plot against the right eous and

                 gnash their teeth at them... Better the lit tle that the right eous have
                 than the wealth of many wick ed; for the pow er of the wick ed will
                 be bro ken, but the Lord up holds the right eous. The days of the
                 blame less are known to the Lord, and their in her it ance will en -
                 dure for ev er. In times of dis as ter they will not with er; in days
                 of fam ine they will en joy plen ty. But the wick ed will per ish: The

                 Lord's en e mies will be like the beau ty of the fields, they will
                 van ish—van ish like smoke. The wick ed bor row and do not re -
                 pay, but the right eous give gen er ous ly... If the Lord de lights in a
                 man's way, He makes his steps firm; though he stum ble, he will
                 not fall, for the Lord up holds him. I was young and now I am old,
                 yet I have nev er seen the right eous for sak en or their chil dren beg -
                 ging bread. He is ev er mer ci ful and lend ing; and his seed is for a
                 bless ing. Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the

                 land for ev er. For the Lord loves the just and will not for sake His
                 faith ful ones. They will be pro tect ed for ev er... The mouth of the
                 right eous man ut ters wis dom, and his tongue speaks what is
                 just. The law of God is in his heart; his feet do not slip. The
                 wick ed lie in wait for the right eous, seek ing their very lives; but
                 the Lord will not leave them in their pow er... Wait for the Lord

                 and keep His way... I have seen a wick ed and ruth less man flour -
                 ish ing like a green tree in its na tive soil, but he soon passed away
                 and was no more; though I looked for him, he could not be found.

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