Page 364 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 364


                 Great is the Lord, and high ly to be praised... As is Your name, O
                 God, so is Your praise un to the ends of the earth; Your right hand
                 is full of right eous ness... For this God is our God, for ev er and
                 ev er; He will guide us eter nal ly. (Psalms, 48:1, 10-14)

                 Hear this, all you peo ples; give ear, all you in hab it ants of the
                 world, both men of low and high, rich and poor to geth er. My
                 mouth shall speak wis dom, and in the thoughts of my heart will
                 be knowl edge. I will in cline my ear to a par a ble... Of them that
                 trust in their wealth, and boast them selves in the mul ti tude of
                 their rich es; No man can by any means re deem his broth er, nor
                 give to God a ran som for him... But man de spite its rich es, does
                 not en dure; he is like the an i mals that per ish. This is the way of
                 them that are fool ish, and of those who aft er them ap prove their

                 say ings. Like sheep they are ap point ed for the un der-world [she-
                 ol, hell]... and the up right shall have do min ion over them in the
                 morn ing; and their form shall be for the un derworld [sheol, hell]
                 to wear away, that there be no hab i ta tion for it. But God will re -

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