Page 369 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 369
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
tow er [my shelter], and a ref uge in the day of my dis tress. O my
strength, un to You will I sing prais es; for God is my high tow er
[my shelter], the God of my mer cy. (Psalms, 59:1-17)
That Your be lov ed may be de liv ered, save with Your right hand,
and an swer me... Give us help against the ad ver sa ry; for vain is
the help of man. Through God we shall do val iant ly... (Psalms,
60: 5, 11-12)
... O God... For You have been a ref uge for me, a sup port of
strength in the face of the en e my. I will dwell in Your Tent for
ev er; I will take ref uge in the cov ert of Your wings . For You, O
God, have heard my vows; You have grant ed the her it age of
those that fear Your name... Appoint mer cy and truth... So will I
sing praise un to Your name for ev er... (Psalms, 61:1-8)
Only for God does my soul wait in still ness; from Him comes
my sal va tion. For He is my God and my sav iour: He is my pro -
tec tor, I shall not be great ly moved... My soul, wait in si lence for
God alone, For my ex pec ta tion is from Him. For He is my God
and my sav iour: He is my help er, I shall not be moved. In God
is my sal va tion and my glo ry: He is the God of my help, and my
hope is in God. Trust in Him at all times, O peo ple... God is a ref -
uge for us... Trust not in op pres sion... that strength be longs un to
God; also un to You, O Lord, be longs mer cy; for You rend er to ev -
ery man ac cord ing to his work. (Psalms, 62:1-12)
O God, You are my God, ear nest ly will I seek You; my soul thirsts
for You, my flesh longs for You, in a dry and wea ry land, where
21. A description by way of simile of Allah's Presence.
22. A description of Allah being the Protector by way of simile.