Page 373 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 373

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            But as for me, let my prayer be un to You, O Lord, in an ac -

            ceptable time; O God, in the abun dance of Your mer cy, an swer
            me with the truth of Your sal va tion. Rescue me from the mire,
            do not let me sink; de liv er me from those who hate me, from the
            deep wa ters. Do not let the flood wa ters en gulf me or the depths
            swal low me up or the pit close its mouth over me. Answer me, O
            Lord, for Your mer cy is good; ac cord ing to the mul ti tude of Your
            com pas sions turn un to me [do not deprive me of Your Mercy].
            And hide not Your face from Your ser vant [do not keep me away
            from Your Mercy]; for I am in dis tress; an swer me speed i ly. Draw

            near un to my soul, and re deem it; ran som me be cause of my en -
            e mies... let Your sal va tion, O God, set me up on high. I will praise
            the name of God with a song, and will mag ni fy Him with thanks -
            giv ing... The hum ble shall see it, and be glad; you who seek aft er
            God, let your heart re vive. For the Lord hears the needy... Let
            heav en and earth praise Him, the seas, and ev ery thing that
            moves there in. (Psalms, 69:13-18, 29-34)

            Let all those that seek You re joice and be glad in You; and let
            such as love Your sal va tion say con tin u al ly: 'Let God be mag ni -
            fied'... You are my help and my de liv er er; O Lord... (Psalms,

            In You, O Lord, have I tak en ref uge... Deliver me in Your right -
            eous ness, and res cue me... and save me. Be to me a shel ter ing
            rock [my shelter], where un to I may con tin u al ly re sort, which
            You have ap point ed to save me; for You are my rock [my shelter]
            and my for tress. O my God, res cue me out of the hand of the

            wick ed, out of the grasp of the un right eous and ruth less man. For
            You are my hope; O Lord God, my trust from my youth. Upon

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