Page 380 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 380
... Please lis ten, Lord, and an swer my prayer! I am poor and help -
less. Protect me and save me, be cause You are my Lord. I am Your
faith ful ser vant! Be kind to me! I pray to You all day. Make my
heart glad! I serve You, and my prayer is sin cere. You will ing ly
for give, and Your love is al ways for those who pray to You.
Please lis ten, Lord! Answer my prayer for help. When I am in
troub le, I pray, know ing You will an swer... There is none like
un to You, O Lord, and there are no works like Yours. All na tions
who You have made shall come and pros trate them selves be fore
You, O Lord; and they shall glo ri fy Your name. For You are great,
and does won drous things You are God alone. Teach me, O Lord,
Your way, that I may walk in Your truth; make one my heart to
fear on ly Your name. I will thank You, O Lord my God, with my
whole heart; and I will glo ri fy Your name for ev er more. For great
is Your mer cy to ward me; and You had de liv ered my soul from
the low est Hell... But You, O Lord, are a God full of com pas sion
and gra cious... and plen te ous in mer cy and truth... You, O Lord,
has helped me, and com fort ed me. (Psalms, 86:1-17)
O Lord, God of my sal va tion, I have been cry ing to You for help
by day and by night... I have called up on You, O Lord ev ery
day... O Lord, do I cry, and in the morn ing do my prayer come
to You. (Psalms, 88:1, 9-13)
I will sing of the mer ci es of the Lord for ev er; to all gen er a tions
will I make known Your faith ful ness with my mouth. I will de-
clare that Your love stands firm for ev er, that you es tab lished
your faith ful ness in heav en it self... The heav ens praise Your
wond ers, O Lord, Your faith ful ness al so in the as sem bly of the
ho ly ones [among the true be liev ers]... In the coun cil of the ho ly