Page 384 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 384


                 tions, shall not He cor rect? Even He that taught man knowl edge?
                 The Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are van i ty. Hap-
                 py is the man whom You in struct, O Lord, and teach out of Your
                 law!... For right shall re turn un to jus tice, and all the up right in
                 heart shall fol low it... If I say: 'My foot slips, Your mer cy, O my
                 Lord, holds me up." When my cares are many with in me, Your
                 com forts [Your bestowing feelings of peace and security] de -

                 light my soul. But my Lord has been my high tow er [my ref uge,
                 my sole help er and friend], and my God the strength in Whom
                 I take ref uge. And He, our Lord has brought up on them their
                 own in iq ui ty... (Psalms, 94:8-23)

                 Come let us praise the Lord with joy: let us joy ful ly sing to God,
                 our sav ior. Let us come be fore His pres ence with thanks giv ing,
                 let us shout for joy un to Him with psalms! For the Lord is great
                 God... In Whose hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of
                 the moun tains are His al so. The sea is His, and He made it; and

                 His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us bow down and
                 bend the knee; let us kneel be fore our Lord, our Maker. For He is
                 our God... Harden not your heart. (Psalms, 95:1-8)

                 O sing un to the Lord a new song; sing un to the Lord, all the earth.
                 Sing un to the Lord, bless His name; pro claim His sal va tion from
                 day to day! Declare His glo ry among the na tions, His mar vel ous
                 works among all the peo ples! For great is the Lord, and high ly to
                 be praised; He is to be feared... The Lord made the heav ens.
                 Honor and maj es ty are be fore Him; strength and beau ty are in
                 His house. Ascribe un to the Lord, you families of nations, as cribe

                 un to the Lord glo ry and strength. Ascribe un to the Lord the glo -
                 ry due un to His name; bring an of fer ing, and come in to His

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