Page 388 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 388


                 keys quench their thirst. Beside them dwell the fowl of the heav-
                 en, from among the branch es they sing... He makes the grass to
                 spring up for the cat tle, and herb for the serv ice of man; to bring
                 forth bread out of the earth... oil to make his face shine, bread that
                 sus tains his. The trees of the Lord are well wa tered... Wherein the
                 birds make their nests; as for the stork, the fir-trees are her house.
                 The high moun tains are for the wild goats; the rocks are a ref uge
                 for the con ies. He ap point ed the Moon for sea sons. The Sun

                 knows when to set. You make dark ness, and it is night, in which
                 all the an i mals of the for est creep forth. The young li ons roar af-
                 ter their prey, and seek their food from God. The Sun aris es, and
                 they are gath ered to geth er: and they lie down in their dens. Man
                 goes forth to his work, to his la bor un til the even ing. O Lord, how
                 man i fold are Your works! In wis dom have You made them all:
                 The earth is full of your rich es. So is this great and wide sea, in

                 which are creep ing an i mals in nu mer a ble, both small and great
                 beasts. There the ships go to and fro... These all look un to you,
                 that you may give their food in its sea son. You give it un to them,
                 they gath er it... they are sat is fied with good. You send forth Your
                 spir it [by God's leave, by His blowing from His soul], they are
                 cre at ed; and You re new the face of the earth. May the glo ry of the
                 Lord en dure for ev er... I will sing un to the Lord as long as I live;
                 I will sing praise to God while I have any be ing. Let my mus ing
                 be sweet un to Him; as for me, I will re joice in the Lord!... Praise

                 the Lord, my soul! Praise the Lord! (Psalms, 104:1-35)

                 Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among
                 the na tions what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him;
                 tell of all His won der ful acts. Glory in His ho ly name; let the
                 hearts of those who seek the Lord re joice. Look to the Lord and

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