Page 391 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 391

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            un fail ing love and his won der ful deeds for men. Let them ex alt

            Him... He turned riv ers in to a desert, flow ing springs in to thirsty
            ground... He turned the desert in to pools of wa ter and the
            parched ground in to flow ing springs; there He brought the hun -
            gry to live, and they found ed a city where they could set tle. They
            sowed fields and plant ed vine yards that yield ed a fruit ful har -
            vest; the up right see and re joice, but all the wick ed shut their
            mouths. Whoever is wise, let Him heed these things and con sid er
            the great love of the Lord. (Psalms, 107:1-43)

            I will praise You, O Lord, among the na tions; I will sing of You
            among the peo ples. For great is Your love, high er than the heav-
            ens; Your faith ful ness reach es to the skies. Be ex alt ed, O God,
            above the heav ens, and let Your glo ry be over all the earth. Save
            us and help us with Your right hand, that those You love may be
            de liv ered. (Psalms, 108:1-12)

            O God, Whom I praise... In re turn for my friend ship they ac cuse
            me, but I am a man of prayer. They re pay me evil for good, and
            ha tred for my friend ship... Help me, O Lord my God; save me in
            ac cord ance with Your love. Let them know that it is Your hand,

            that You, O Lord, have done it. With my mouth I will great ly ex tol
            the Lord; in the great throng I will praise Him. (Psalms, 109:1-30)

            Praise the Lord. I will ex tol the Lord with all my heart in the
            coun cil of the up right and in the as sem bly. Great are the works
            of the Lord; they are pon dered by all who de light in them. Glo-
            rious and ma jes tic are His deeds, and His right eous ness en -
            dures for ev er. He has caused His wond ers to be re mem bered; the
            Lord is gra cious and com pas sion ate. He pro vides food for those
            who fear Him... The works of His hands are faith ful and just;
            all His pre cepts are trust wor thy. They are stead fast for ev er and

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