Page 395 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 395

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            scorn and con tempt, for I keep Your stat utes. Though rul ers sit to -

            geth er and slan der me, Your ser vant will med i tate on Your de-
            crees. Your stat utes are my de light; they are my coun sel ors... Let
            me un der stand the teach ing of Your pre cepts; then I will med i tate
            on Your wond ers... strength en me ac cord ing to Your word. Keep
            me from de ceit ful ways; be gra cious to me through Your law. I
            have cho sen the way of truth; I have set my heart on Your laws. I
            hold fast to Your stat utes, O Lord; do not let me be put to shame.
            I run in the path of Your com mands, for You have set my heart
            free. Teach me, O Lord, to fol low Your de crees; then I will keep

            them to the end. Give me un der stand ing, and I will keep Your law
            and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of Your com -
            mands, for there I find de light. Turn my heart to ward Your
            statutes and not to ward self ish gain. Turn my eyes away from
            worth less things; pre serve my life ac cord ing to Your word... Your
            laws are good. How I long for your pre cepts! Preserve my life in
            Your right eous ness. May Your un fail ing love come to me, O Lord,

            Your sal va tion ac cord ing to Your prom ise; then I will an swer the
            one who taunts me, for I trust in Your word. Do not snatch the
            word of truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in Your
            laws. I will al ways obey Your law, for ev er and ev er. I will walk
            about in free dom, for I have sought out Your pre cepts. I will speak
            of Your stat utes be fore kings... for I de light in Your com mands
            be cause I love them. I lift up my hands to Your com mands, which
            I love, and I med i tate on Your de crees... Your prom ise pres erves
            my life. The ar ro gant mock me with out re straint, but I do not turn

            from Your law. I re mem ber Your an cient laws, O Lord, and I find
            com fort in them... Your de crees are the theme of my song wher -
            ever I lodge. In the night I re mem ber Your name, O Lord, and I
            will keep Your law. This has been my prac tice: I obey Your pre -

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