Page 397 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 397
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
my life ac cord ing to Your love, and I will obey the stat utes of Your
mouth. Your word, O Lord, is eter nal; it stands firm in the heav -
ens. Your faith ful ness con tin ues through all gen er a tions; You
es tab lished the earth, and it en dures. Your laws en dure to this
day, for all things serve You. If your law had not been my de light,
I would have per ish ed in my af flic tion. I will nev er for get Your
pre cepts, for by them You have pre served my life. Save me, for I
am yours; I have sought out Your pre cepts. The wick ed are wait -
ing to de stroy me, but I will pon der Your stat utes. To all per fec -
tion I see a lim it; but Your com mands are bound less. Oh, how I
love Your law! I med i tate on it all day long. Your com mands
make me wis er than my en e mies, for they are ev er with me. I
have more in sight than all my teach ers, for I med i tate on Your
stat utes. I have more un der stand ing than the elders, for I obey
Your pre cepts. I have kept my feet from ev ery evil path so that I
might obey Your word. I have not de part ed from Your laws, for
You Yourself have taught me. How sweet are Your words to my
taste, sweet er than hon ey to my mouth! I gain un der stand ing
from Your pre cepts; there fore I hate ev ery wrong path. Your
word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have tak en
an oath and con firmed it, that I will fol low Your right eous laws. I
have suf fered much; pre serve my life, O Lord, ac cord ing to Your
word. Accept, O Lord, the will ing praise of my mouth, and teach
me Your laws. Though I con stant ly take my life in my hands, I will
not for get Your law. The wick ed have set a snare for me, but I
have not strayed from Your pre cepts. Your stat utes are my her it -
age for ev er; they are the joy of my heart. My heart is set on keep -
ing Your de crees to the very end... but I love Your law. You are
my ref uge and my shield; I have put my hope in Your word.
Away from me, you evil do ers, that I may keep the com mands of