Page 396 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 396


                 cepts... O Lord; I have prom ised to obey Your words. I have
                 sought Your face with all my heart; be gra cious to me ac cord ing to
                 Your prom ise. I have con sid ered my ways and have turned my
                 steps to Your stat utes. I will has ten and not de lay to obey Your
                 com mands. Though the wick ed bind me with ropes, I will not
                 for get Your law. At mid night I rise to give You thanks for Your
                 right eous laws. I am a friend to all who fear You, to all who fol -
                 low Your pre cepts. The earth is filled with Your love, O Lord;

                 teach me Your de crees. Do good to Your ser vant ac cord ing to
                 Your word, O Lord. Teach me knowl edge and good judg ment, for
                 I be lieve in Your com mands. Before I was af flict ed I went astray,
                 but now I obey Your word. You are good, and what You do is
                 good; teach me Your de crees. Though the ar ro gant have smeared
                 me with lies, I keep Your pre cepts with all my heart. Their hearts
                 are cal lous and un feel ing, but I de light in Your law. It was good

                 for me to be af flict ed so that I might learn Your de crees... The
                 law... is more pre cious to me than thou sands of pie ces of sil ver
                 and gold. Your hands made me and formed me; give me un der -
                 stand ing to learn Your com mands. May those who fear You re -
                 joice when they see me, for I have put my hope in Your word. I
                 know, O Lord, that Your laws are right eous... Let Your com pas -
                 sion come to me that I may live, for Your law is my de light... I will
                 med i tate on Your pre cepts. May those who fear You turn to me,
                 those who un der stand Your stat utes. May my heart be blame less

                 to ward Your de crees, that I may not be put to shame... I have put
                 my hope in Your word... All Your com mands are trust wor thy;
                 help me, for men per se cute me with out cause. They al most wiped
                 me from the earth, but I have not for sak en Your pre cepts. Preserve

                 35. Allah's title of Sani (The Artist, He Who creates infinite beauties in His artistry) is de-
                 scribed by use of simile.

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