Page 399 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 399

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            ac cord ing to Your laws. Many are the foes who per se cute me, but I

            have not turned from Your stat utes... See how I love Your pre cepts;
            pre serve my life, O Lord, ac cord ing to Your love. All Your words
            are true; all Your right eous laws are eter nal... but my heart trem bles
            at Your word. I re joice in Your prom ise like one who finds great
            spoil. I hate and ab hor false hood but I love Your law... Great peace
            have they who love Your law, I wait for your sal va tion, O Lord, and
            I fol low Your com mands. I obey your stat utes, for I love them
            great ly. I obey Your pre cepts and Your stat utes, for all my ways are
            known to You... give me un der stand ing ac cord ing to Your word.

            May my sup pli ca tion come be fore You; de liv er me ac cord ing to
            Your prom ise... You teach me Your de crees. May my tongue sing of
            Your word, for all Your com mands are right eous... I long for Your
            sal va tion, O Lord, and Your law is my de light. Let me live that I
            may praise you, and may Your laws sus tain me. (Psalms, 119:1-175)

            I call on the Lord in my dis tress, Save me, O Lord, from ly ing
            lips and from de ceit ful tongues... I am a man of peace; but when
            I speak, they are for war. (Psalms, 120:1-2, 7)

            ... Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord,

            the Maker of heav en and earth. He will not let your foot slip—He
            Who watch es over you will not slum ber; in deed, He... will nei -
            ther slum ber nor sleep. The Lord watch es over you—the Lord is
            your shade at your right hand ; the Sun will not harm you by day,
            nor the Moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm—
            He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your com -
            ing and go ing both now and for ev er more. (Psalms, 121:1-8)

            36. He is the Compassionate, the Protector.

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