Page 402 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 402
wond ers, His love en dures for ev er. Who by His un der stand ing
made the heav ens, His love en dures for ev er. Who spread out the
earth up on the wa ters, His love en dures for ev er. Who made the
great lights—His love en dures for ev er. The Sun to gov ern the
day, His love en dures for ev er. The Moon and stars to gov ern the
night; His love en dures for ev er... and freed us from our en e mies,
His love en dures for ev er. And Who gives food to ev ery crea ture.
His love en dures for ev er. Give thanks to the God of heav en [and
earth]. His love en dures for ev er. (Psalms, 136:1-9, 24-26)
I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart... will praise Your name
for Your love and Your faith ful ness... When I called, You an swered
me; You made me bold and stout heart ed. May all the kings of the
earth praise You, O Lord... May they sing of the ways of the Lord, for
the glo ry of the Lord is great... He looks up on [protects] the low ly...
Though I walk in the midst of troub le, You pre serve my life; The
Lord will ful fill His pur pose for me; Your love, O Lord, en dures for -
ev er—do not aban don the works of Your hands. (Psalms, 138:1-8)
O Lord... You know when I sit and when I rise; You per ceive my
thought... You dis cern my go ing out and my ly ing down; You
are fa mil iar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue
You know it com plete ly, O Lord. You hem me in—be hind and
be fore; You have laid Your hand ... up on me... If I go up to the
heav ens, You are there... If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I set -
tle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, "Surely the dark ness
37. Allah's title of Sani (The Artist, He Who creates infinite beauties in His artistry) is de-
scribed by use of simile.
38. Allah's blessings, are described by way of simile.
39. A reference to the manifestation of Allah’s name of "Al-'Asim," meaning "The Protector."