Page 406 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 406


                 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord
                 all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not
                 put your trust in prin ces, in mor tal men, who can not save. When
                 their spir it de parts, they re turn to the ground; on that very day
                 their plans come to noth ing. Blessed is he whose hope is in the
                 Lord his God, the Maker of heav en and earth, the sea, and
                 every thing in them—the Lord, Who re mains faith ful for ev er.
                 He up holds the cause of the op pressed and gives food to the

                 hun gry. The Lord sets pris on ers free, the Lord gives sight to the
                 blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord
                 loves the right eous. The Lord watch es over the al ien and sus -
                 tains the fa ther less and the wid ow, but He frus trates the ways of
                 the wick ed... Praise the Lord. (Psalms, 146:1-10)

                 Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing prais es to our God, how
                 pleas ant and fit ting to praise Him! He de ter mines the num ber of
                 the stars... Great is our Lord and mighty in pow er; His un der -
                 stand ing has no lim it. The Lord sus tains the hum ble but casts
                 the wick ed to the ground. Sing to the Lord with thanks giv ing;
                 make mu sic to our God on the harp. He cov ers the sky with
                 clouds; He sup plies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on

                 the hills. He pro vides food for the cat tle and for the young rav ens
                 when they call... The Lord de lights in those who fear Him, who
                 put their hope in His un fail ing love. Praise your God... He sends
                 His com mand to the earth; His word runs swift ly. He spreads the
                 snow like wool and scat ters the frost like ash es. He hurls down
                 His hail like peb bles. Who can with stand His icy blast? He sends
                 His word and melts them; He stirs up His breez es, and the wa ters
                 flow... Praise the Lord. (Psalms, 147:1-20)

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