Page 410 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 410


                 ward ness of the sim ple will kill them, and the com pla cen cy of
                 fools will de stroy them; but who ev er lis tens to Me will live in
                 safe ty and be at ease, with out fear of harm." (Proverbs, 1:20-33)

                 My son, if you ac cept My words and store up My com mands

                 with in you, turn ing your ear to wis dom and ap ply ing your heart
                 to un der stand ing, and if you call out for in sight and cry aloud for
                 un der stand ing, and if you look for it as for sil ver and search for
                 it as for hid den treas ure, then you will un der stand the fear of
                 the Lord and find the knowl edge of God. For the Lord gives
                 wis dom, and from His mouth [His words] come knowl edge and
                 un der stand ing. He holds vic to ry in store for the up right, He is
                 pro tec tion to those whose walk is blame less, for He guards the
                 course of the just and pro tects the way of His faith ful ones.

                 Then you will un der stand what is right and just and fair—ev ery
                 good path. For wis dom will en ter your heart, and knowl edge will
                 be pleas ant to your soul. Dis cre tion will pro tect you, and un der -
                 stand ing will guard you. Wisdom will save you from the ways of
                 wick ed men, from men whose words are per verse, who leave the
                 straight paths to walk in dark ways, who de light in do ing wrong
                 and re joice in the per verse ness of evil, whose paths are crook ed

                 and who are de vi ous in their ways... Thus you will walk in the
                 ways of good men and keep to the paths of the right eous. For
                 the up right will live in the land, and the blame less will re main
                 in it; but the wick ed will be cut off from the land, and the un -
                 faith ful will be torn from it. (Proverbs, 2:1-20)

                 My son, do not for get my teach ing, but keep my com mands in
                 your heart for they will pro long your life many years and bring
                 you pros per i ty. Let love and faith ful ness nev er leave you; bind

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