Page 413 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 413
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
man's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the
well spring of life. Put away per ver si ty from your mouth; keep
cor rupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight
ahead, fix your gaze di rect ly be fore you. Make lev el paths for
your feet and take on ly ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the
right or the left; keep your foot from evil. (Proverbs, 4:1-27)
My son, pay at ten tion to my wis dom, lis ten well to my words of
in sight, that you may main tain dis cre tion and your lips may pre -
serve knowl edge... Now then, my sons, lis ten to me; do not turn
aside from what I say... At the end of your life you will groan,
when your flesh and body are spent. You will say, "How I hat ed
dis ci pline! How my heart spurned cor rec tion! I would not obey
my teach ers or lis ten to my in struct ors... For a man's ways are in
full view of the Lord, and He ex am ines all his paths. The evil
deeds of a wick ed man en snare him; the cords of his sin hold him
fast. He will die for lack of dis ci pline, led astray by his own great
fol ly. (Proverbs, 5:1-23)
Go to the ant, you slug gard; con sid er its ways and be wise!...
How long will you lie there, you slug gard? When will you get up
from your sleep? A lit tle sleep, a lit tle slum ber, a lit tle fold ing of
the hands to rest and pov er ty will come on you like a ban dit and
scar ci ty like an armed man. A scoun drel and vil lain, who goes
about with a cor rupt mouth, who winks with his eye, sig nals with
his feet and mo tions with his fin gers, who plots evil with de ceit
in his heart—he al ways stirs up dis sen sion. Therefore dis as ter
will over take him in an in stant; he will sud den ly be de stroyed—
with out rem e dy... The Lord dis likes... haugh ty eyes, a ly ing
tongue, hands that shed in no cent blood, a heart that de vis es
wick ed schemes, feet that are quick to rush in to evil, a false wit -