Page 418 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 418
wick ed on ly in wrath. One man gives free ly, yet gains even
more; an oth er with holds un du ly, but comes to pov er ty. A gen -
er ous man will pros per; he who re fresh es oth ers will him self be
re fresh ed. People curse the man who hoards grain, but bless ing
crowns him who is will ing to sell. He who seeks good finds good -
will, but evil comes to him who search es for it. Whoever trusts in
his rich es will fall, but the right eous will thrive like a green
leaf. (Proverbs, 11:1-31)
Whoever loves dis ci pline loves knowl edge, but he who hates
cor rec tion is stu pid. A good man ob tains fa vor from the Lord,
but the Lord con demns a crafty man. A man can not be es tab -
lished through wick ed ness, a wife of no ble char ac ter is her hus -
band's crown... The plans of the right eous are just, but the ad -
vice of the wick ed is de ceit ful. The words of the wick ed lie in
wait for blood, but the speech of the up right res cues them.
Wicked men are over thrown and are no more, but the house of
the right eous stands firm. A man is praised ac cord ing to his wis -
dom, but men with warped minds are de spised... The kin dest
acts of the wick ed are cru el... The wick ed de sire the plun der of
evil men, but the root of the right eous nour ish es. An evil man
is trapped by his sin ful talk, but a right eous man es capes troub -
le. From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as
sure ly as the work of his hands re wards him. The way of a fool
seems right to him, but a wise man lis tens to ad vice. A fool shows
his an noy ance at once, but a pru dent man over looks an in sult. A
truth ful wit ness gives hon est tes ti mo ny, but a false wit ness tells
lies. Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the
wise brings heal ing... There is de ceit in the hearts of those who
plot evil, but joy for those who pro mote peace. No harm be falls