Page 414 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 414
ness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dis sen sion
among broth ers. (Proverbs, 6:6-19)
A man who com mits adul tery lacks judg ment; who ev er does so
de stroys him self... and his re proach will nev er be wiped away...
(Proverbs, 6:32-33)
My son, keep my words and store up my com mands with in
you. Keep my com mands and you will live [live in the par-
adise]; guard my teach ings as the ap ple of your eye. Bind them
on your fin gers; write them on the tab let of your heart. Say to
wis dom, "You are my sis ter," and call un der stand ing your kins -
man. (Proverbs, 7:1-4)
Does not wis dom call out? Does not un der stand ing raise her
voice? On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she
takes her stand; be side the gates lead ing in to the city, at the en -
tran ces, she cries aloud: "To you, O men, I call out; I raise my
voice to all man kind. You who are sim ple, gain pru dence; you
who are fool ish, gain un der stand ing. Listen, for I have wor thy
things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth
speaks what is true, for my lips dislike wick ed ness. All the words
of my mouth are just; none of them is crook ed or per verse. To the
dis cern ing all of them are right; they are fault less to those who
have knowl edge. Choose my in struc tion in stead of sil ver, knowl-
edge rath er than choice gold, for wis dom is bet ter than jew els,
and noth ing you de sire can com pare with her. "I, wis dom, dwell
to geth er with pru dence; I pos sess knowl edge and dis cre tion. To
fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and ar ro gance, evil be -
hav ior and per verse speech. (Proverbs, 8:1-13)