Page 419 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 419

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            the right eous, but the wick ed have their fill of troub le. The

            Lord dislikes ly ing lips, but He de lights in men who are truth -
            ful... An anx ious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word
            cheers him up. A right eous man is cau tious in friend ship, but the
            way of the wick ed leads them astray... In the way of right eous -
            ness there is life; along that path is im mor tal i ty. (Proverbs,

            A wise son heeds his fa ther's in struc tion, but a mock er does not
            lis ten to re buke. From the fruit of his lips a man en joys good
            things, but the un faith ful have a crav ing for vi o lence. He who
            guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rash ly will
            come to ru in... The right eous hate what is false, but the wick ed
            bring shame and dis grace. Righteousness guards the man of in -
            teg ri ty, but wick ed ness over throws the sin ner... The light of the
            right eous shines bright ly, but the lamp of the wick ed is snuffed

            out. Pride on ly breeds quar rels, but wis dom is found in those
            who take ad vice... He who scorns in struc tion will pay for it, but
            he who re spects a com mand [commands of God] is re ward ed.
            The teach ing of the wise is a foun tain of life, turn ing a man from
            the snares of death. Good un der stand ing wins fa vor, but the
            way of the un faith ful is hard. Every pru dent man acts out of
            knowl edge, but a fool ex pos es his fol ly. A wick ed mes sen ger falls

            in to troub le, but a trust wor thy en voy brings heal ing. He who ig -
            nores dis ci pline comes to pov er ty and shame, but who ev er
            heeds cor rec tion is hon ored... Fools dislike turn ing from evil. He
            who walks with the wise grows wise, but a com pan ion of fools
            suf fers harm. Evil pur sues the sin ner, but pros per i ty is the re -

            2. For those seeking Allah’s approval, the good news of the existence of the eternal life of
            paradise is given.
            3. Here, life and death refer to paradise and hell.

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