Page 423 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 423

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            for a throne is es tab lished through right eous ness. Kings take

            pleas ure in hon est lips; they val ue a man who speaks the truth...
            How much bet ter to get wis dom than gold, to choose un der -
            stand ing rath er than sil ver! The high way of the up right avoids
            evil; he who guards his way guards his life. Pride goes be fore
            de struc tion, a haugh ty spir it be fore a fall. Better to be low ly in
            spir it and among the op pressed than to share plun der with the
            proud. Whoever gives heed to in struc tion pros pers, and bless ed
            is he who trusts in the Lord. The wise in heart are called dis cern -
            ing, and pleas ant words pro mote in struc tion. Understanding is a

            foun tain of life to those who have it, but fol ly brings pun ish ment
            to fools. A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips pro -
            mote in struc tion. Pleasant words are a hon ey comb, sweet to the
            soul and heal ing to the bones. There is a way that seems right to
            a man, but in the end it leads to death [hell]... A scoun drel plots
            evil, and his speech is like a scorch ing fire. A per verse
            man stirs up dis sen sion, and a gos sip sep a rates close

            friends. A vi o lent man en tices his neigh bor and leads
            him down a path that is not good. He who winks with
            his eye is plot ting per ver si ty; he who purs es his lips
            is bent on evil... Better a pa tient man than a war ri or,
            a man who con trols his tem per than one who
            takes a city... Ev ery de ci sion is from the Lord.
            (Proverbs, 16:1-33)

            Better a dry crust with peace and qui et than a
            house full of feast ing, with strife... The cru ci -
            ble for sil ver and the fur nace for gold, but the
            Lord tests the heart. A wick ed man lis tens to
            evil lips; a li ar pays at ten tion to a ma li cious
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