Page 422 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 422


                 time ly word! The path of life [paradise] is above for the wise,
                 that he may de cline from the low est underworld [hell]. The
                 Lord tears down the proud man's house but He keeps the wid-
                 ow's bound a ries in tact. The Lord dislikes the thoughts of the
                 wick ed, but those of the pure are pleas ing to Him. A greedy
                 man brings troub le to his fam i ly, but he who hates bribes will
                 live. The heart of the right eous weighs its an swers, but the mouth
                 of the wick ed gush es evil. The Lord is far from the wick ed but

                 He hears [re spond] the prayer of the right eous. A cheer ful look
                 brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
                 He who lis tens to a life-giv ing re buke will be at home among the
                 wise. He who ig nores dis ci pline de spis es him self, but who ev er
                 heeds cor rec tion gains un der stand ing. The fear of the Lord
                 teach es a man wis dom, and hu mil i ty comes be fore hon or.
                 (Proverbs, 15:1-33)

                 All a man's ways seem in no cent to him, but mo tives are
                 weighed by the Lord. Commit to the Lord what ev er you do, and
                 your plans will suc ceed. The Lord works out ev ery thing for His
                 own ends— even the wick ed for a day of dis as ter. The Lord dis-
                 likes all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go un -

                 pun ished. Through love and faith ful ness sin is atoned for;
                 through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil. When a man's
                 ways are pleas ing to the Lord, He makes even his en e mies live at
                 peace with him. Better a lit tle with right eous ness than much
                 gain with in jus tice... His [king's] mouth should not be tray jus -
                 tice. Honest scales and bal an ces are from the Lord ; all the
                 weights in the bag are of His mak ing. Kings dislike wrong do ing,

                 5. Our Lord’s justice and His being the best in knowing the account of everything is de-
                 scribed by simile.

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