Page 417 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 417
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The Lord ab hors dis hon est scales, but ac cu rate weights are His
de light. When pride comes, then comes dis grace, but with hu -
mili ty comes wis dom. The in teg ri ty of the up right guides them,
but the un faith ful are de stroyed by their du plic i ty. Wealth is
worth less in the day of wrath, but right eous ness de liv ers from
death [hell]. The right eous ness of the blame less makes a
straight way for them, but the wick ed are brought down by their
own wick ed ness. The right eous ness of the up right de liv ers
them, but the un faith ful are trapped by evil de sires. When a
wick ed man dies, his hope per ish es; all he ex pect ed from his
pow er comes to noth ing. The right eous man is res cued from
troub le, and it comes on the wick ed in stead. With his mouth the
god less de stroys his neigh bor, but through knowl edge the right -
eous es cape. When the right eous pros per, the city re joic es...
Through the bless ing of the up right a city is ex alt ed, but by the
mouth of the wick ed it is de stroyed. A man who lacks judg ment
de rides his neigh bor, but a man of un der stand ing holds his
tongue. A gos sip be trays a con fi dence, but a trust wor thy man
keeps a se cret. For lack of gui dance a na tion falls, but many ad -
vis ers make vic to ry sure... A kind heart ed wom an gains re spect,
but ruth less men gain on ly wealth. A kind man ben e fits him self,
but a cru el man brings troub le on him self. The wick ed man earns
de cep tive wa ges, but he who sows right eous ness reaps a sure re -
ward. The tru ly right eous man at tains life [paradise], but he
who pur sues evil goes to his death [hell]. The Lord dislikes
men of per verse heart but He de lights in those whose ways are
blame less. Be sure of this: The wick ed will not go un pun ished,
but those who are right eous will go free. Like a gold ring in a
pig's snout is a beau ti ful wom an who shows no dis cre tion. The
de sire of the right eous ends on ly in good, but the hope of the