Page 415 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 415

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            I walk in the way of right eous ness, along the paths of jus tice... I

            was filled with de light day aft er day, re joic ing al ways in His
            pres ence, re joic ing in His whole world and de light ing in man -
            kind [sincere believers]. "Now then, My sons, lis ten to Me; bless -
            ed are those who keep My ways. Listen to My in struc tion and
            be wise; do not ig nore it. Blessed is the man who lis tens to Me...
            For who ev er finds Me finds life and re ceives fa vor from the
            Lord. But who ev er fails to find Me harms him self... (Proverbs,
            8:20, 31-36)

            ... Walk in the way of un der stand ing... Rebuke a wise man and he
            will love you. Instruct a wise man and he will be wis er still; teach
            a right eous man and he will add to his learn ing. "The fear of the
            Lord is the be gin ning of wis dom, and knowl edge of the Holy
            One [God] is un der stand ing... If you are wise, your wis dom
            will re ward you; if you are a mock er, you alone will suf fer." The

            wom an fol ly is loud; she is un dis ci plined and with out knowl -
            edge. She sits at the door of her house, on a seat at the hi ghest
            point of the city, call ing out to those who pass by, who go straight
            on their way. "Let all who are sim ple come in here!" she says to
            those who lack judg ment. "Stolen wa ter is sweet; food eat en in se-
            cret is de li cious!" But lit tle do they know that the dead are there,
            that her guests are in the depths of the world of death [hell].

            (Proverbs, 9:6-18)

            Ill-got ten treas ures are of no val ue, but right eous ness de liv ers
            from death [hell]. The Lord does not let the right eous go hun gry
            but He thwarts the crav ing of the wick ed. Lazy hands make a

            man poor, but dil i gent hands bring wealth... Blessings crown the
            head of the right eous, but vi o lence over whelms the mouth of the
            wick ed. The mem o ry of the right eous will be a bless ing, but the

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