Page 416 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 416


                 name of the wick ed will rot. The wise in heart ac cept com mands,
                 but a chat ter ing fool comes to ru in. The man of in teg ri ty walks
                 se cure ly, but he who takes crook ed paths will be found out. He
                 who winks ma li cious ly caus es grief, and a chat ter ing fool comes
                 to ru in. The mouth of the right eous is a foun tain of life, but vio -
                 lence over whelms the mouth of the wick ed. Hatred stirs up dis -
                 sen sion, but love cov ers over all wrongs. Wisdom is found on
                 the lips of the dis cern ing, but a rod is for the back of him who

                 lacks judg ment. Wise men store up knowl edge, but the mouth of
                 a fool in vites ru in... He who heeds dis ci pline shows the way to
                 life, but who ev er ig nores cor rec tion leads oth ers astray... who ev -
                 er spreads slan der is a fool. When words are many, sin is not ab -
                 sent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. The tongue of the
                 right eous is choice sil ver, but the heart of the wick ed is of lit tle
                 val ue. The lips of the right eous nour ish many, but fools die for

                 lack of judg ment. The bless ing of the Lord brings wealth... A
                 fool finds pleas ure in evil con duct, but a man of un der stand ing
                 de lights in wis dom. What the wick ed dreads will over take him;
                 what the right eous de sire will be grant ed... the right eous stand
                 firm for ev er ... As vin e gar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so
                 is a slug gard to those who send him. The fear of the Lord adds
                 length to life, but the years of the wick ed are cut short [un-
                 fruitful]. The prospect of the right eous is joy, but the hopes of
                 the wick ed come to noth ing. The way of the Lord is a ref uge for

                 the right eous, but it is the ru in of those who do evil. The right-
                 eous will nev er be up root ed... The mouth of the right eous
                 brings forth wis dom... but the mouth of the wick ed on ly what
                 is per verse. (Proverbs, 10:2-32)

                 1. For those seeking Allah’s approval, the good news of the existence of the eternal life of
                 paradise is given.

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